Friday, September 10, 2010

A Wednesday Field Trip

When I learned we would be reading The Story About Ping, I knew one of the things I wanted to do during that week was to take the boys to look at and feed some ducks.
Because of my husband's work schedule, any field trips we take need to be on Monday or Friday, but my friend Claire came to visit on Wednesday and Jonah invited her to come and feed the ducks with us, so she was kind enough to take us in her car.
We drove toward the local wildlife preserve, but it was closed, and a park near a river a few miles further that I thought may have some ducks turned up empty, so we let the kids play at the park for a little while and then drove back to town, where, funnily enough, on the way to get some shoes for Elias the Incredible Growing Boy before leaving town, I'd seen some ducks swimming in the canal by McDonald's.
In addition to being our transportation, Claire was also kind enough to lend her photography skills. I was grateful, especially since though I remembered to bring my camera, I forgot the memory card at home. Her camera is much nicer and we have some really lovely photos to remember the day.

We took along some bread and walked down the gravel path to feed the ducks.

There were many white ducks, which I told Jonah used to be yellow like Ping.

We attracted their attention before we even opened our bread. I'm guessing they get a lot of visitors.

Jonah throwing some bread.

He enjoyed watching and talking to the ducks.

Elias enjoyed the ducks, too.

I think they were happy to see us.

I'm glad there are ducks so close by. We must have passed them a hundred times and never really noticed.